Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have this theory.

I have this theory about dinosaurs, and people. Not dinosaurs and people living together, because we know that is ridiculous. Nay, this theory regards the correlation between cool people and love of the prehistoric badasses.

Think about the greatest people you know. Now think about their wardrobe. Do they own at least one t-shirt with a dinosaur on it? (While mythical, dragons do count.) Do they often recite lines from Jurassic Park? Were they rooting for the T-Rex when you saw the fairly awful remake of King Kong together? I am sure you are thinking "Why, yes, my amazing friend DOES seem to like dinosaurs quite a bit." Because that's it! That's the theory: Awesome people and dino love are highly correlated.

Now, for some reason, being an adult and loving dinosaurs is somewhat frowned upon. I know...sad face. Being over the age of 11 does not make velociraptors any less sweet, but such is the state of our sad society. Therefore my theory has evolved over time. If someone claims to have loved dinosaurs when they were a child, they are also probably pretty cool. I would suggest asking this for this detail immediately upon meeting.

I am no statistician or anything, so I can't say whether this is a causal relationship. I mean, does loving dinosaurs MAKE you cool? I don't know. I mean, obviously, it's a cool thing to do, but there are other qualities that make a person cool. The love of bacon, for one. The ability to buy you beers at happy hour, another. Nonetheless, I am going to make SURE my kid loves dinosaurs. I suggest you do the same, because you never know. I mean this theory is fullproof. You don't want them to be screwed down the line by having them like horses, or something. LAME.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no you di'nt - a FULL BLOG POST on the love of Dinos!? I <3 you Amy, I <3 you.
