Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Certified Organic

We were sure that the dinner salads we dined on tonight were pesticide-free...because there was a giant, live grasshopper just chillin within the leaves.

Josh took it outside. Our grass is not chemical-free. Poor guy is doomed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The internet: not just for porn.

I feel the need to give back to the internet. You've been good to me, internet; what with your plethora of recipes, and cat photos, and Charlie the Unicorn. Plenty of stupid people to laugh at, and get angry about. The ability to listen to Ke$ha without spending money on her records. Endless pages of time-wasting genius, really.

Lately I've been thinking the internet needs me just as much as I need it. I need to contribute to the internet if I want it to give back to me, right. So: my blog. In which I will write about things I love, and hate. Probably not about things that I feel are mediocre.

Welcome to my corner of the internet.